Thursday, November 6, 2008

Fun Times

I came up with yesterdays blog by looking through photos and deciding which one to talk about and I think I will do that again today. What is about the faceless communication style of the blog that allows you to post photos with stories that you might not be willing to share in person. I guess it has to do with lack of immediate reaction. I don't have to see that look in your eyes that say that I am crazy. But anyways, here's the pictures for today...

During the summer that James and I were apart, I missed him a lot, but I had a great time in Provo. I was working three jobs, but not going to school, so I had a lot of time to have fun.

I was the activities committee chair for the ward and we had some of the best parties ever that summer. In these photos we were going to a "Criss-Cross-Backwards" dance. The idea was to find your craziest clothes and party the night away.

Jane and I

Just crazy me

My FHE group at the party.

One of the jobs that I did that summer was working security for Heritage Halls. I would go at midnight and check all of the doors of all of the halls to make sure they were locked. This involved going up and down over 5800 stairs a night. I enjoyed it and got pretty fast and getting it all done. However, after about two months of this I got home one night with horrible knee pain. I ended up going to the ER, they found a bone cyst but couldn't exactly determine the cause of the pain. So they put me in a full knee brace and gave me crutches. I was told not to use my knee for at least a while. Well now stairs would have been darn near impossible to do for work. Enter my two wonderful home teachers, Daryl and Paul. They took over doing my job for me each night and would race to see who could complete their half the fastest. I think one night they got it done in twenty minutes, on an average night it took me and hour and a half to do it all. After I was able to walk again Paul still continued to come with me every night and help me out. They were great friends. In this photo they were carrying me up to my apartment one day. As for the knee, well to this day I have problems with it and the doctors don't know why...just life I guess.

I had the best FHE group in the world that summer. The guys were hilarious and we had a blast spending all of our time together. In this photo we had been at the park for a ward FHE and we were acting out different scenes based solely on the bag of clothes that we were given. The guys really got into it and we had everyone cracking up by the end of ours.

So now that you have seen some of the crazy side of me, can you ever look at me the same :)


Anonymous said...

I just have to say I love college! There is no other place in the world where you can act like complete idiots (as adults). For one, no one cares. And two, they get to join it too! I have some great memories at school. Mostly those that I shouldn't share though!

Perfectly Imperfect said...

Life is so great! I love memories. I wouldn't want to go back and do it all again but I am SO glad that I have done everything that I have done one time. I hope there will always be places in the world where kids can be fun and good and have people to share that with!

Leslie@leserleeslovesandhobbies said...

I had a friend that was in the Sports Medicine program, and she said that when you get into your twenties you start losing some of the protective stuff around your knees, I forgot what exactly, but that things can start grating on each other and causing pain. So maybe that's what it is. I would think the doctors would know about that though.