Monday, June 15, 2009

Choclate cake night

Wednesday night at 8:00 is Chocolate Cake Night. A couple years ago I started the tradition that whenever James works a swings shift I would have a girls night. So that is what this is. If you are interested please come and enjoy cake, talking, friends and a night away from the kids. You are welcome to bring a snack to share as well, but you don't have to, mostly I would just love to spend time with you!

Leave a note if you are interested in coming.


Joy said...

Thanks for the invite. We have pack meeting and Russell is out of town so I won't be able to make it but thanks anyway!! Have fun!!

Leslie@leserleeslovesandhobbies said...

Too bad our husbands work opposite schedules, but I might come anyway. I'll have to see how Carl is feeling. He's been pretty beat the past few days, and I'm visiting a friend who just had a baby tonight.