Thursday, August 20, 2009

One of those days...

This has been one of those days that makes you question why to ever have children. We needed to make a quick stop at WalMart, I only needed four things. We should have been able to run in, get them and leave and then we could have had fun. Well nothing can ever be that easy...

Annika asked for one of the carts that has room for all of them to sit on it. I said sure if we could find one, well as luck would have it, they didn't have any. Annika begins to scream and throw a fit because she wanted it. We went through the entire store with her screaming. I got a lot of looks from people, some were the sympathetic "I know what you feel" kind and others were the "you must be a horrible mom" kind. Oh well, it's just WalMart right.

Well we get in the car and discuss the seriousness of the offenses that have occurred, that of course brings about another loud round of screaming all the way home. Once home she is sent to her room to scream until she is ready to calm down and talk to me. Not my Annika though, no instead she starts to kick the walls and hit things. At this point I attempt to talk to her again, while being screamed at.

She then lost her blanket (her favorite thing in the world), ended up in a cold shower and was still in trouble. I was trying to get her to understand that she would not be able to continue along this course. I was frustrated when she still wouldn't give up the crying and I asked her what else she loved so that I could take that away too, and that is when I got the "end the anger answer." She looked at me with her big brown eyes and said "you, I love you." At that point she got hugs and I gave up...

We'll see if she gets her blanket back for bed though.


Perfectly Imperfect said...

YOU POOR MOMMY!!!!! I HATE those days! I think it is in the air. I left the sweetest girl at Kindergarten and when I went to pick her up they gave me a little booger who LOOKED like my sweetie and acted like crap. She did get better this afternoon but not before the emotional toll on me. Ah, kids.

Tina said...

She pulled out all the stops, didn't she...and she totally has you down to a science...that "mom, I love you' bit :) Sorry your have had that kind of day. It's the back to school naughties.

Nancy J said...

I love it - just because I completely understand those days. We have had a few this summer. I'm hoping the routine of school will help with it.

Leslie@leserleeslovesandhobbies said...

Oh boy. I can't wait until Abigail gets to that age. Although we do have break-downs when the shopping cart she wants isn't there too.

Amberly said...

Ok I do not like those stupid carts! I really hate the car carts at other stores. Sorry you had one of those days with your girl. I don't like when those days come around!!

Darin and Shannon said...

Oh, I feel for you! Walmart is never a quick stop for me either. It is impossible to find anything in there right now. I just avoid it all together. Good luck with the little ones. It will get easier. (When they move out!)

The Freed Family said...

I can relate! I've had a lot of those experiences....that's just one of the reasons why we're done! :)

Anderton Family said...

Oh, that is so sweet..."you, I love you." How can you not soften after that! You are such a good mom. It does get easier the older they get. Hang in there.