Sunday, May 10, 2009

Pet Peeves

I have a pet peeve with young children at adult movies. We went to see X-Men: Wolverine last night and someone had brought a three year old to see the movie. I have no problem with children at kids movies or even some adult movies during the day. However, an adult movie that is this violent should not be shown to that young of a child. Thankfully the kid was mostly quiet in the movie, but still...How do you feel about this? By the way for those who like the X-Men movies, this one was awesome!

I also have a pet peeve with idiocy, especially my own. Yesterday was a beautiful day so I put my plants out to soak up some sun. Well wouldn't you know that Idaho nights are still cold. I forgot to bring the plants in last night and all of my hard work is now for naught. I killed all of my plants last night. What a bummer...

What pet peeves do you have that drive you nuts?


Leslie@leserleeslovesandhobbies said...

I have to agree with the kids at movies. It will be awhile before we bring ours to anymore movies. We did take them to an NCO movie outing a few weeks ago. Bryant didn't want to be sitting. But Abigail did okay. But a three year old at X-Men? No way.

Anonymous said...

Oh thats horrible!!! Every Plant???

I don't care if someone bring their kids to grown up movies as long as their quiet. At 3 I am not sure a kid would really get whats going on anyway.

JulieJ said...

Oh how sad!! I almost did that but remembered at 11:30. I agree with the movie thing. B is still pretty sheltered and is barely starting to not be scared at movies like Mr. Magarium. I say keep them young and innocent as long as you can.

Amberly said...

I agree with you about little kids at movies. We went to Wolverine on opening night and some people had an 18 month old with them, and he screamed his head off.

My pet peeve is when people are habitually late to everything. There cannot be an excuse to always be late!

Anonymous said...

Good to know about X-men movie. I am excited to see it. Dave and I had a X-men marathon a few weeks ago, and watched them for the first time.

I don't like to go to the movie theater, because they feel dirty. That is my pet peeve. I saw a program once on how dirty theaters are. I shouldn't have seen that program.